Friday, February 22, 2008

Great New Early Intervention Resource

I was so impressed by one of the newest titles that we've added to the Bookstore this month that I deemed it blog-worthy (the ultimate honor). The title that I am referring to is Early Intervention: Fast Facts. The author, a doctor by the name of Raun D. Melmed, has packed a great deal of useful information into this small pamphlet-sized resource guide. Dr. Melmed has taken the knowledge that he has gained through his years of experience working as a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, and used this knowledge to predict some commonly asked questions that parents of newly-diagnosed children might have. Some examples of these questions are: "What are the Signs of Autism?"; "What is Autism and What is Not?"; and "What to Expect and When to get Concerned?" The best part is that for all of the great information that you are getting, the price of this book is a very reasonable $9.95. Get your copy here.

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